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So you could say that steroids have allowed me to make my bodybuilding dreams a reality in several ways. I will never be a bodybuilding champion. But the drug has allowed me to develop my game without a care in the world. When I started off as a bodybuilding beginner, I was a beginner. I was a huge steroid user. But I would only go up in weight while I was on steroids. When I left them off, I ended up making my first physique in college. I did this in part due to the fact that I had been using steroids so long that my body had gotten used to the drug's strength. It felt great on my back and upper back. When I tried it on my arms, it just didn't feel the same. As I gained muscle, things changed. And so did my physique at the same time. By 2006, when I left the steroids on, my physique had grown. I have gained over 20 pounds since then on my upper back and arms alone. My back is much larger, and my arms are much thinner. These are the muscles that a lot of pro athletes have used steroids to develop. After I quit the steroid usage, my workouts felt different. I could hit harder and move my body faster. Now I work out at a fast pace, but I still have the same confidence that I did back in college when using steroids. Because of my experiences, other bodybuilders have told me that they feel the same. Most people don't use steroids at this stage of their life. It might not ever be something they do again, but it's something that people do when they know they have the ability to do it, and if they know they have it, they won't use it again. The reason why I have the ability to do this is because of the strength that the steroid can give the body. I was an Olympic weightlifter in my early twenties. In my second year of training, I tried to snatch 500 lbs. At the time, I weighed 200 lbs.) When I lost the weight on the barbell, my arms were too short. To make matters worse, I couldn't do a chin up. It's not like I wasn't able to do it, but I just couldn't do a pull up. Then one day I stopped training at the gym and went to a nearby home gym. There was a bench there and they had the machine that used to be used at a very competitive weight. I started doing pull ups and push ups. I remember doing 300 push ups. It became the greatest thing I've ever done, so I tried and Related Article: